Thursday, November 1, 2012

Jueves, 1 November 2012 -- Molinaseca

Well today was certainly a physically and mentally challenging day for me. Descent from Acebo to Molinaseca. The guide book said to watch for the rocky descent. NO KIDDING! Plus it was windy! And raining off and on!

Something to be said about being present! And keeping my eye on the path! Which is what I kept hearing whenever my mind wandered! Great reminder for Life...when I keep my eye on the path, then all falls into place.

And was nice to see Lori on the path either ahead or behind me! Lori and I crossed paths in Arre--4 or 5 days after I started the Camino! And crossed again this past Sunday in Hospital de Orbigo. Thus far we've met up at the same town and albergue in the evening so that's been fun. I told her my sense was to at least walk over the mountain and go from there.

And then there was the rainbow!

Thank goodness I bought the orange poncho a few days ago :-) as there were a few times the Camino had me walking on the roadside so at least the occasional car on the road would definitely see me :-)

Buen Camino!

PS...Made it to Molinaseca in time to do a major wash AND dry just in case I picked up bedbugs :-|

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