Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Miércoles, 21 Noviembre 2012 - Maronas to Olveiroa

I get these daily HeartQuotes from the Institute of HeartMath. Well today's quote fits me today....

"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.". Frederick Keonig

And what I have today is beautiful walking weather. A short walk day (14 km). A place to sleep for tonight. Something to eat. Advil for my irritated right wrist and hand :-). Other pelegrinos along today's walk to ask when the way markers were not clear :-). Much gratitude and appreciation for all that!

And my Camino did not feel complete in Santiago. And after walking for the past three days, I understand some reasons for that feeling!

The landscape reminds me of growing up in Virginia. Pine tags on the ground brought back memories of raking them in our front yard. Boy oh boy was that an all-day job :-) And the climate of living in San Francisco -- cool temps. Chilly rain. And both places are not far from the water...the ocean! Water--I so love the water! So it is fitting that Camino Fisterre or Finisterre (I've seen it spelled both ways since leaving Santiago) called me to continue walking! It will probably take me until next Tuesday to complete the walk to Fisterre and then Muxia. Including staying a day in each place to do a completion ritual.

On my walk today, I realized that this part of my Camino is a metaphor for the re-entry, after the Camino de Santiago is completed, into our lives! Where the 'way markers' are not as clearly marked. And we can get caught up in what's happening around us. So keeping our eyes on the path or asking for help and guidance along the way or re-tracing one's steps when it becomes clear a wrong turn has been chosen are all good! That and keeping a calm presence when I start to choose non-calm, as I learned from yesterday's experience :-)

Buen Camino!

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