Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Miércoles, 7 November 2012 - Triacastello to Sarria

Well today I opted for the route that was mostly nature paths and a climb up to Alto Riocabo. And with ever ascent comes a descent! The photos do not capture the beautiful scenery or the paths :-)

And I'm learning descent usually entails a path made of rocks :-) Thank you walking poles! Thank you sunny weather! Thank you cool temps not burrrr cold temps! Thank you body for the walk today!

And thank you for the fisiotherapia appointment tonight, that the albergue was able to book for me after I checked into the albergue :-). Thank you Lori for introducing me to fisiotherapia last Monday! My right side is not happy and the fisiotherapia will help! As tomorrow is more up and then down!

Sarria is just over 100 km from Santiago and 100 km is required for the pelegrino walkers wishing to get the credential certificate in Santiago. I've mostly walked on my own...I see my camino as one long walking meditation! Most fascinating to see what thoughts drift in and out as I walked. When I'm present or not! Walking definitely keeps me present especially when I'm walking up or down those paths made of rocks and stone! The mud paths are challenging as well!

For the few times, I traveled with another pelegrino where I usually saw them on the path and later at the albergue for conversation, food, and drinks--I was to learn about traveling in life with someone! To notice what frustrated me, what made me happy, and how I adjusted.

There is something about carrying all that you need with you day after day! There is something about sleeping in the same room with 3 or more where quiet time is from 10 to 6. There is something about going into the albergue kitchen if there is one and seeing what there is left behind (just as I have paid it forward and left uncooked pasta or garlic or veggies behind).

Hard for me to articulate what that something is! For I believe each pelegrino reaches that something somewhere along El Camino or Camino called life!

Time for my fisiotherapia appointment!

Buen Camino!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking us with you on this amazing journey! It's fun to travel with you again (if this time only in spirit!) Love your blog posts and photos! Enjoy the rest of your journey!
- Linda