Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Domingo, 18 Noviembre 2012

Tomorrow, I walk from Santiago de Compostela to Finisterre and then Muxia.

Took an extra day here to rest and feel better (the sore throat is gone and replaced with a cough here and there).

All Good!

Today is Domingo which means all shops including grocery stores are closed. I'm out walking the medieval part of Santiago. And in the park. So nice to see families and people walking about. Gives most folks the same day off (except hotels).

Too bad America for the most part does not close shops on Sundays! Would give everyone a break to be with family and friends instead of out buying and looking to buy :-)

Oh well, now that I've sat in the sun for 10 or so minutes, back to walking and wandering about. Yesterday was rain. Today sun. Tomorrow ??

Next stop - find a 24/7 pharmacy and see what they recommend for getting my dry cough to be productive. The propolis lozenges worked great on the sinus drainage and resulting sore throat.

Meanwhile, saw yet another familiar pelegrino face. A Korean woman I met last week. Unfortunately she did not have the contact info for the Koream mother and daughter duo from Ontario Canada that I met the same day in Sarria as this Korean woman. The mother and daughter looked like sisters.

Oh well, All Good.

Got a homeopathic liquid for the cough :-)

Now 2 pm and time for sopa caldo Gallegos and pulpo. And of course a nice vino blanco to go with it :-)

Then a slow walk about, pack the backpack and off to early sleep. Tomorrow is a 'walk' day :-)

Buen Camino!

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