Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Lunes, 19 Noviembre 2012 - Camino Fisterre begins

Hard to say good-bye to the wonderful hotel and Victor the awesome receptionist who was also concierge whenever I needed a recommendation on where to find something! Or the owners at the other hotel Antonio and Roberto--the reason I was in two hotels is for a different post :-)

Yet...Camino Fisterre was calling me! Today...22.4 km from Santiago to Negreira! I did okay even on those lovely descents that I love because of course, they mostly consist of rocks and stone!

Only I have noticed in the past 14 days or so, the descents do not bother me like they did at first! As long as I stay focused on the path, my body and feet seem to 'know' where to step.

I reached Negreira and the xunta (municipal) albergue about 4:15--during siesta :-). Plus the albergue is 0.9 km PAST the center of town so I walked back to go to the supermercado for tomorrow's provisions. And then find a restaurant to have something to eat! Unfortunately the only restaurant I found open was not serving food until after 6 pm.

Oh well...back to the supermercado for something to eat for dinner! And what did I find...ramen in a package and dried bean threads! An alternative to pasta! I hope the cocina in the xunta albergue has a pot I can boil water!

And it did! So I am full from a huge bowl of ramen and bean thread noodles! YUM!

Now it's time for shower and head to sleep! Tomorrow is 19 km or 12 km...just depends on the terrain! And the weather! And how I feel :-)

Meanwhile...today was warm, overcast day and great for walking! And I managed to see more mushrooms! And more of my mom's favorite flower (hydrangas)! And to find a fun resting spot near the river waterfall! Where I saw a loon sitting in the rushing water.

Buen Camino!

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