Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Martes, 6 Novembre 2012, O'Cebreiro to Triacastello

Thank each of you for the Skype voicemails! Most appreciated!

And I hope the feature to leave comments on my blog works--let me know if it does not.

I am not taking much time to use wi-fi when it's available, unless to upload my blog post, if any! Check weather reports :-)

Y'all know I'm not a FaceBooker :-)

Walking between 10 and 20 km daily--Internet is last on my list :-)

El Camino is definitely reminding me what is important in life--the simple, basic things! Like appreciation and gratitude! For beautiful walking weather! For rest sitting spots when I need them! For Gaia in her finest and changing season! Yes--there is beauty in a dead or dying tree, flower! For the appropriate clothes for the weather encountered! For shelter at night! For a clean bed and firm mattress! For hot water for shower! For nourishing food! For great company! For great vino! For a good night's rest and sleep! For ear plugs and eye mask!

Buen Camino! Ultreya! As we each walk-about our day-to-day Camino!

Meanwhile...I awoke the morning at 5 so I could catch the 6:45 bus (only one per day) to Triacastello--21.5 km away. As I stood in the dark, waiting for the bus and staring up at the clear night sky with all the stars winking at me--it became clear that I was to watch the sun rise (something I have been meaning to do on El Camino) and walk to Triacastello!

And so I did! The landscape was awesome! And the photos do not capture the beauty, the colors, the sense!

Left at 8 and arrived 5:15! The descent path from Biduedo to Triacastello--well it is steep :-) and I swear, where do all those rocks come from :-). That's 7 km. I thought the descent path would NEVER end and I would never reach Triacastello AND I did!

For once the municipal albergue is at the start of the village versus at the end! I learned in the first week of walking NOT to be excited about my destination until I was actually in the reception area checking in :-)

Next...food :-) for now (menu del dia for 10 euros) and from la tienda for tomorrow's breakfast (sardines, bread, and apple)

All good!

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