Monday, November 12, 2012

Sabado, 10 Noviembre 2012, Portomarin to Eixere

As I look back on today...certainly glad I carry with me the clothes for all types of weather!

Started out in dense fog. That turned to overcast! Then some light rain! Then sunshine! Then warm!

With each break or in-between, came a shedding of a layer. Or putting on/taking off of rain gear. Definitely appreciate the idea of breathable rainwear now that I have a raincoat that breathes and rainpants that don't :-). Never realized how much I sweat until I wore those non-breathable rainpants I bought in Castrojeriz. And the running leggings I bought for El Camino are great as they wick the moisture away and keep moisture out. Man oh man the modern materials for sports! Lightweight. Breathable. Dries quickly.

For my next Camino--I'm upgrading any of my old 'heavy' stuff for the new stuff! AND having my stuff transported from albergue to albergue :-). OR not!

Walking slowly allows me time to notice things like mushrooms. Although it was hard not to miss these red ones! Or the silhouettes of trees.

Definitely a good night's sleep and no pain makes for a great day of walking.

For example, last night despite my ear plugs, there were a variety of snoring folks. So my sleep was disrupted. I started to get up and tell the snorer that I could not sleep with the snoring yet there were too many snorers (at different moments :-| ). And I awoke to inflammation in my left wrist and hand making it difficult and painful to pack up my sleeping bag and put all my things into my backpack. I asked another pelegrino to help me and she said no problem.

As I walked, I noticed that my backpack felt heavier than usual and I walked even slower.

Thus I was thankful that after 17.1 km I came to a municipal albergue that was open. YEAH!!!!

And across from it was a restaurant where I ordered menu del dia for lunch! The ensalada mixta always contains tuna. And it was my first time having tarta Santiago which is an almond cake! Delicious!

Plus I got to see the boxes of mushrooms in front of the restaurant. I still never found out what the large ones are used for. The small ones are used for cooking.

And what the building look like at night! Usually by 9 pm, I'm in the albergue getting ready to go to sleep :-)

Buen Camino!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ahhhh.... Those little brick buildings are family crypts...!! Right?? crosses at both ends and tall and wide enough for 4 coffins.. hmmm let me know will you??
Be well,