Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Martes, 20 Noviembre 2012 - Negriera to Maronas

Well for the most part today was a great walking day. Started out with a warm rain! And grateful that most of the time trees lined paths shaded me from the rain. Reminded me of walking through the rainforest in Ecuador -- sound of rain hitting the tree leaves far above me :-)

Then I misread a way marker and went straight onto a mud and puddle filled road versus turning left onto a asphalt road.

So I spent the next 30 or so minutes using bush branches on the side of the path to get me past the mud and puddles. Meanwhile...the rain came! And the wind! And after getting past all that...I ended up in an open field--path ended and no way markers! Talk about feeling spent! Especially since I felt I had about 2 hours to go! And it was 3 pm when I took the path that led to the open field! And I needed to re-trace my steps which meant using the bush branches to hang onto as I stepped past the mud and puddles...yet again!

Talk about a lesson in NOT beating myself up for taking this path to open field versus the path to Maronas :-)

AND keeping focused instead of freaking out. Freaking out I decided was NOT going to get me any closer to my destination! Especially since the rain was coming down, the wind was blowing, AND the day was nearing sundown! AND I did relish the thought of sleeping outside! Taking deep breaths and retracing my steps seemed the best thing to do!

And voila...I was onto the path to Maronas soon enough! Wiser to check the way markers twice for the direction arrow (since they were not always clear or were dimly marked).

Yet I did allow the setting sun to deter me from stopping to change my socks which felt wet at the toes (to minimize blister hotspots).

All I arrived at the albergue well before the sun set (5:30) and settled into a room which was later occupied with 5 of us! Not crowded at all! And had a yummy dinner of caldo Gallegos and pasta! And a fun conversation with another pelegrino who had passed me while I was changing my socks! She stopped to see if I was ok. That's what I noticed on the camino! Folks always stopped to ask if you are okay when you see someone stopped and they don't look like they are stopped for eatting.

Photos later :-) so check back!

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