Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Burning Ritual - Sabado, 24 Noviembre 2012

An awesome weather day (considering the weather report called for rain all of today) for my 3 km walk from Fisterre to Cabo Fisterre --the end of the world as they knew it in the early ages! And when I awoke the morning -- outside matched the weather report :-|. So I was tempted to stay indoors and forego the walk and the ritual.

Thank you Source for answering my request for good weather to walk to Cabo Fisterre! And reminding me that I am fully equipped to walk in the rain :-)

The burning ritual is to let go of the old so that the new can take its place.

Source, you are too funny :-). And so very good to me. As I sat at Cabo, on the rocks there and looked out towards the Atlantic Ocean, thinking about all the abundance and beneficial things in my life, letting go of all the non-beneficial stuff and enjoying the place, the water, the crashing wave sounds below me, the sky, the wind...the changing skies before me, went from gray and overcast to a hole in the gray where there was blue sky. And then off to the right...a faint rainbow appeared! WOW...thank you Source!

At that moment, I was (and still am) filled with huge appreciation and gratitude for all the abundance in my life. In all the forms that abundance takes--the forms are endless! All the fab people who came to mind as I sat there staring off into the water and the horizon. And whose names I silently held. All the experiences that brought me to this place and will continue to bring me to this place. This place where I let go of all that no longer serves me and fill it with all that does! All of Gaia and nature that had watched me walk past, through, and over them, these past 64 days, and awed me with their beauty!

After a while, I decided it was time to burn the items I had brought with me--the herbal sachets I made to ward off bedbugs (guess I needed to also sleep with the sachets not just keep them in my backpack :-), the liner socks where one has a hole in it, my nighttime sock which lost its mate a few days ago, a paper where I wrote something down as I sat there on the cape, and some miscellaneous papers collected in the last few days yet not tossed in the garbage!

Lesson learned...bring a lighter not a box of matches :-) because the wind will win over matches when trying to light a fire! I was getting frustrated and the wind was getting to me as well. About to give up when a voice inside said 'use the bed bug sachet bags to start the fire!' Voila! Success!

I left all that behind and carried back with me all the gratitude and appreciation extended to me along my life! Plus a few written items that have traveled with me on my entire camino--a note stating what I appreciate about you from Tom, a note from the closing night of my Artist's Way Group, the Pilgrim's Prayer from the albergue at Arre where I spent two extra nights -- recovering and soul searching after four days into my camino, my Camino credentiales filled with sellos (stamps) from each place I stayed along the Camino.

As I walked back to Fisterre, I was met with intermittent clear skies and sun! Thank you Source!

Buen Camino!

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