Thursday, November 15, 2012

Jueves, 15 Noviembre 2012 - Santiago de Compostela

It's 12 noon and I am sitting down up have some lunch.

This morning - a beautiful, slow walk into Santiago - 4.7 km according to the guidebook from Monte de Goza albergue! I am glad I gave myself this arrival into Santiago! To match my Camino. Slow.

I continue to be filled with huge emotion, hard to eyes tear up. I am so happy. And so proud of what I have done, one step at a time!

And hard for me to put into words what I am feeling! All Good as that means I'm operating on the essence level!

Frank Sinatra singing My Way comes to mind! :-)

Loved standing in front of the cathedral with hardly anyone in front or inside. I will come again later when it is even less people for some quiet time. Decided to go to the Oficina del Pelegrinos to obtain my Compostela. And then lunch. And then find a room for tonight. No albergue tonight in celebration of this part of my journey. And a fisiotheriapia appointment to treat my body to a job well done!

Buen Camino!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S Girlfriend!!!!! How worn are your hiking boots, any tread left??? lol
Big hug for you!