Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Kind and Gentle...

My intention was to awake this past Sunday morning (25 Noviembre 2012) and walk on to Muxia from Fisterre. And when I awoke that morning...I felt in my heart that my camino was complete! So I stayed on another day in Fisterre! To enjoy the quiet and solitude! To be kind and gentle to myself!

What I want to share with you is what I intend for myself (and to remind myself).....the past (in my case 64) days have been most experiential. And with any experiential, it is wise to be kind and gentle (repeat...kind and gentle) with the self when re-entering the life held before the 64 days began! Also not to be too hasty with big, huge decisions or choices! Allowing the experiences of the past 64 days as much time as they (not I) need to fully integrate into all of me!

Today...Martes, 27 Noviembre 2012...I am in Santiago once again. The bus ride yesterday from Fisterre to Santiago --felt strange to be riding in a bus after all these days of walking :-)

It was a beautiful day so the views from the bus were spectacular! Do take the bus if you ever find yourself in Santiago or the coastal towns there!

Today was spent at a fisiotheriapia appointment--maintenance and a way to be kind and gentle to myself :-)

Retrieved my luggage from the post office -- the one Jacotrans got from Saint Jean Pied de Port to Samtiago for me while I walked!

Made my airplane arrangements to go to North Carolina on Monday to visit my sister and her family.

Now it's time to have a last dinner in Santiago! And then figure out how I'm getting to Madrid tomorrow. And where I will stay until Monday's flight! Source, help me find a safe, clean, inexpensive place :-)

Last minute does not seem to bother me :-). Just like those descent paths made of stone and rocks :-)

All Good!

Buen Camino!

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