Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Lunes, 12 Noviembre 2012 - Melide to Arzua

Well, I'm glad I had decided last night to not walk far! Awoke with a sore throat. Thieves essential oil blend to the rescue.

The colder weather means folks have fires going so breathing the cold air and the wood smoke while walking means sinus drainage means sore throat.

Oh well, 'soup pasta' (translation: chicken noodle soup) for dinner also to the rescue! And trusting a good night's sleep! The albergue looks to be crowded tonight so I'll head to sleep early :-)

Today was a beautiful day for walking! Thank you for this beautiful weather! And all the beautiful things I saw along the way.

Off and on since Sarria, I've been taking photos of the way markers that note the km.

And since I began, have taken photos of the various way markers as some cities and towns have incorporated them into the sidewalks. And even the manhole covers.

I'm 40 km from Santiago and as the blessing ring I have carried with me for many years states 'life is a journey, not a destination' fits this situation!

I carry with me not just my 9 kg-plus backpack :-) also the many sights, sounds, smells, experiences, felt senses of the past days since I began in Saint Jean Pied de Port on 22 Septembre 2012. For that matter, all my lifetimes! :-)

Whenever I am asked when I began El Camino and where, and I respond, I am usually met with surprise and support that I am taking my time. And why not? If not now, then when! For my journey called life is meant to be savored. That is one reason, to be a human being! Trusting that folks can say of me 'she lives life joy-fully, fully'.

My two soul searching days spent at the albergue in Arre back in September definitely told me to take my time and practice all that I have learned in this lifetime and others! To celebrate my life! To celebrate who I am!

And that I have! And will continue to do!

El Camino is definitely each person's camino--however each chooses to walk it! Much like Life!

This time I choose the suggested way, just because it's NOT the way I am comfortable with. Sleeping in albergues, carrying a backpack each day, walking from sleeping location to the next, eatting food that would fuel me for all that walking. As y'all know me, I like to experience Life (as long as I don't harm Self, Others, Environment).

I believe that El Camino gives each person an opportunity to travel with one's self and get to know one's self. Or not. Such is day-to-day life. So I hold for all in this world that each is able to travel well with one's self. And know one's self. And regardless, love one's self!

And would I do this again?

Now I understand some of the reasons, pelegrinos do this again and again!

I will. Join me???

Buen Camino!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

One of the best journals.... Yes I will join you next time you go...(hoping my hip gets better) =[
Rest well'