Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I Can Tell I Am In Pork Loving Country :-)

A photo is worth a thousand words :-) I visited a large supermarket here in Santiago as I had 6 hours before my night sleeper train leaves :-) to Madrid. Where else would I be able to buy an entire cured ham leg? And all displayed in not one but three places in the supermarket :-)

The other thing I cannot get over...walking into restaurants, bars, supermarkets and hearing American music over the PA system! Cities, towns, villages! Makes me think I am not in a different country :-)

And the rain comes. The rain goes. The sun shines. The skies turn gray and dark. It is cool. It is cold. Such is the changing weather I experienced in a matter of minutes while in Santiago since I arrived on Monday afternoon. I forgot to ask if this is normal.

28 Noviembre 2012

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nina~ Bring one of those home!!!
Safe travels back home and hope your visit with family is connecting for you..