Thursday, November 8, 2012

Jueves, 8 Noviembre 2012,

Well...2 hours and 20 euros (yes 2 hours and 20 euros) my fisiotheriapia appointment last night was complete and paid!

It included massage of my right side, heat packs on lower back and right calf, electrical stimulation of those same areas, and air compression packs on both legs! WOW, WOW, WOW!

No wonder when I awoke this morning...I felt like I had walked more than 19 km! Actually walking down those darn rock and stone paths makes me feel like it anyway :-)

AND I learned from my trip between Zuburi and I approached Barbadello (about 5 km after Sarria) AND uphill :-) I felt my entire body was tired and heavy! So time to find a place to sleep NOT forge ahead--even though the mind said 'let's continue, we can make it 10 km to the next village with places to sleep!'

And I was gearing up to walk as every place I passed in this village was cerrado 'closed'. I was forewarned that after 31 Octobre, a lot of places close up for winter. I almost passed by the Casa Rural as it was up a long driveway AND looked closed. Yet it was time for a sit-down-eat-take-off-the-pack break and I figured there would be a bench outside even if yhe casa rural was closed!

They were open yet not the albergue portion only the casa rural portion. I think I'm the only one here! Carmen is very nice. They let me eat lunch in the kitchen as the dining room was cold. They had turned off the heat in that room. Only food being served is menu del dia (menu of the day) which is a fixed price for three courses) Yum! HOT soup (Spain's version of chicken noodle soup) as it's foggy and cold outside! Meatballs! With fries (everything is served with fries). And chocolate cheesecake for dessert! And vino tinto! All this goes well with Advil!

And the grounds are beautiful! Complete with three dogs!

All Good to be here with no distractions and prop my legs up on the bed and rest! Journal! And practice my Spanish with Carmen!

Walk in the fog this morning was fun! Gave the scenery a different feel! And there are some cool looking trees! And building on stilts! And a vending machine in the middle of nowhere.

Ultreya! (Latin for Onward!) Mañana!. Hoy! Descanso AND celebrate that I am 111 km from Santiago. In a comfy casa rural with silence all around me. WOW, today (I just calculated) is my 48th day on Camino Frances! WOW!

Buen Camino!

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