Sunday, November 4, 2012

Miércoles, 31 Octobre 2012, Acebo

I was SO HAPPY to finally arrive in Acebo! Because the descent was rocky. I suppose walking along the road would be less rocky except listening for the occasional car and ensuring I was out of way, seemed just as trying :-)

So 17 km was long today because I went from Rabanal at 1150 m to the height of Cruz de Ferro 1505 m down to Acebo 1150 m.

Grateful for the clear skies! Cool temp! Awe-some walking weather. Descending into Acebo the weather turned cloudy and cooler so was grateful to be descending into the destination for the night!

Definitely El Camino teaches lots of things :-). Gratitude for simple basic things like great walking weather! Soft walking path! A good place to take a sitting break! A clean, sheltered place to sleep! Hot shower! Kitchen to cook! Only buying (and carrying) what I need to have :-)

Buen Camino!

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