Monday, October 29, 2012

Martes 23 Octobre 2012 -- Calzadilla de Los Hermanillos to Mansilla de las Mulas

Well...this is my longest walk thus far...24.5 km!

With most of it through level landscape and no towns to stop in! Translation: I carry water and provisions! Nothing new for me :-). Although carrying 2 liters of water makes the 9 kg backpack become 11 kg :-)

Usually I walk alone...with other pelegrinos ahead or behind. And none that I have met along Camino. This Camino friends Rochelle, Doug, Jill were either ahead or behind me! So that was fun!

And had a fabulous treat! As I came to a 'cruce' and was looking for the way marker, I saw this group of pelegrinos sitting have food. I did not see a way marker so was just about to ask the group 'which way?' when I saw that they were sitting in front of the way marker which pointed to the path to the left of the 'cruce'. I started down the path and as I walked past I said hello and told them what had been going through my mind about looking fit the way marker. They all asked if I had eaten as they had lots of food to share. I declined and they asked if I was sure. Then I decided 'ok'. And as I pulled off my pack and sat down, one asked did I want bread? And what did I want on my sandwich? Jamon? Cheese? Apple? Sardines?

And what a great lunch I had with this group! I thought what can I share--voila half of a Sharfenberger dark chocolate bar. Gladly accepted. And spritzes to everyone's hands from my mini spray bottle filled with a few drops of Purification and Thieves essential oil blends mixed with water! My version of hand sanitizer! Gladly accepted and all commented how nice the smell! I was grateful to have these simple things to share!

Then we each packed up including our trash and walked on!

As it turned out, I met up with this group again that night at the albergue! Synchronistic since the town (Mansilla de las Mulas) had several albergues to chose from to stay. AND I asked who wanted to join in to cook and share dinner as it was about 4 when I arrived along with Rochelle. Next thing we knew the veggies I chopped up along with uncooked rice left behind became with other additions like chicken and peppers -- paella! PS--Pays to have a sharp Swiss Army knife otherwise I'd still be chopping those veggies :-)

Another treat! Thank you Source!

Yet another treat--an on-site massage therapist! Carlos was great -- he gave up his job in finances to study massage therapy and now set up a donation-only practice at this albergue! Lucky for me as my entire body needed it! And another treat--he ended the session with sound therapy . A Tibetan bowl is sounded and then placed on the body in each chakra space! Awesome!

I left there and went to join the communal dinner of paella and salad and vino! They had saved me a plate!

Fabulous-o day! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

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