Monday, October 8, 2012

Logroño -- Domingo, 7 Octobre 20127

In Rioja and Pintxo heaven :-) here in Logroño. Thank goodness the pintxo bars are open on Sunday (today) when I arrived! Because everything else is closed :-)

My day does not afford much time for Internet! All Good! Enjoying the quiet time! And lots of exercise :-)

Wake up around 6 am.
Eat breakfast.
Pack up.
Start walking about 8 am.
BEAUTIFUL scenery! QUIET! Not a lot of pelegrinos, yet enough on the Camino! So far not much walking along highways!
Arrive either around 12 or 4 depending on whether I walk 10 or 20 km :-)
Along the way rest and eatting
Wash clothes
Have a vino or cerveza
Eat dinner
Sleep :-)

Except for carrying the backpack :-| am enjoying El Camino! Lots of folks from all over the world.

And it's not all beautiful scenery! Sometimes it's along dusty, dry roads through the vineyards with a hot sun beating down on me! All Good as it could be pouring rain :-|

Oh well...All Good!

Buen Camino!

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