Saturday, September 29, 2012

Cizur Menor -- 29 Septiembre

Well Mother Nature decided to pour rain so when I awoke at 6:30 I decided to walk to Cizur Menor 5.1 km away. After Cizur Menor there is a gradual climb up from 450 m here to the highest point 790 m -- 8.6 km away. Yet after my day from Zubri to Arre climbing up then descending, I am taking my time :-) Also want to give my left arm and wrist -- shins -- ample time to restore for the longer distances to come.

Also am noticing what it is hard for me to do! Like 'Not Do Something'. There is a part of me that wants to stay connected through this blog or e-mail. Yet this Camino is a gift to myself of surrendering to the Unfamiliar! To Trust! To Faith! To celebrate my well-being given being so exhausted and sick five years ago. To see what's happening within! So it has taken this past 7 days to realize that while I love the iPhone--she allows access to connect whenever Internet is available. Which I am finding is more so than when I walked about in 2010!

Earlier I sat in the only cafe in Cizur Menor and began to journal! So this may be my last blog entry for a while. We shall see what happens as I stop looking down at the phone and blogging. And instead engage with the present moment!

Laundry is ready to hang and dry :-)

Buen Camino!

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