Thursday, September 27, 2012

Another Day To Restore...27 Septiembre

10:56 and I'm sitting in the park near the albergue. Reflecting. The food (that four people cooked last night and shared with me) and my stomach did not agree. Thankfully my stomach won out within an hour of food and stomach meeting :-) by expelling the food.

Decided in the middle of the night while drinking a lot of water and feeling my left arm aching--to check into a hotel here and give myself another day to restore! So I asked Brother Martin this morning where there was a hotel and he showed me on the map. And asked me what I needed? To rest another day! He said to stay another day here. He did not know the quality of the hotel in town. I started to tear up and he gave me a hug. And said we are here for you, It's the smallest of gestures like the hug and the simplest of generosity like offering that I stay another night that even now fill me with huge gratitude.

Meanwhile, I observed last night as I sat in the communal kitchen while two sets of two women prepared two sets of food. Each of us waiting our turn at the stove. Each of the three sets operating individually. Wondering what had us each in our three groups instead of preparing and sharing food (given the circumstances of all stores closed due to the strike). I was cooking some dried pasta that was in the cabinet and the green beans that Brother Martin left. I offered up to all four. Both sets knew I had not been able to find a market open so each offered me some of their food. I thanked them, ate. It tasted good yet in a few minutes my stomach said no! The rest is history :-) And I wondered was my field expelling the energy I felt from these two sets of women. One set had not eaten since breakfast, had walked over 20 km, and were not able to have anywhere open along the way to have something to eat. The other set -- not sure their experience that day -- yet they were intent in conversation in a different language.

That experience has we wondering how I am being. How I want to be. As I live life whether here on Camino France or wherever.

I also noticed a few that I met last night asked me this morning how I was and if I was continuing on today. That was BEFORE I sat on the side of my bed feeling not well, quite alone and sad to not be in familiar surroundings! BEFORE the kindness of Martin and his hug and his words. Then I remembered I'm not alone. All I have to do is ask.

The markets are open today! So I have provisions to share. The sun is out and they are mowing the grass in the park so the smell of just mowed grass feels the air!

Thank you Source for I have learned to take it slow and easy.

Buen Camino!

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