Saturday, September 29, 2012

Albergue de Paderborn -- Pamplona 28 Septiembre 2012

Much appreciation and gratitude to the Brothers who maintain Albergue Hermanos Maristas at Trinidad de Arre and pelegrinos who stayed there! I awoke and the body felt rested and ok to walk the 5 km to Pamplona.

It's after 13:00 and I am typing this in a pintxo bar and the background music just played the song Stronger by a female artist whose name escapes me. So synchronistic given my last week :-)

For I am stronger in a lot of ways as I type with teary eyes.

This morning at 7:15 I attended the 15 minute pilgrim's prayer at Trinidad de Arre! So beautiful! Very emotional for me. I cried at the end and it felt at first not the thing to do in the church yet Lise sat with me. And I realized to hold back the tears was definitely not the thing to do. Felt good.

Then after many hugs and Buen Caminos, I was the last to leave about 9. By 11, I was at the albergue in Pamplona. Casa Paderborn. Thank you Source--they allowed backpacks to be deposited between 10 and when they opened at 12. Gave me an hour to explore without 9 kg on my back :-)

The pintxo bars are along Calle Estafeta near Plaza del Castillo. What a tasty lunch!!!!! And filling for 2 euro each. The Rioja was also tasty and inexpensive at 1.70 euro a glass. Tom would be in heaven :-) I loved looking at all the variety. And the serving is large.

The shift from the quiet of Arre to the bustle of the medieval part of Pamplona was smooth as I arrived here when shops are closed for siesta :-) between 14:00 and 16:00.

19:00 and the bustle is starting up as people stroll around. I'm sitting at Cafe Iruna where Ernest Hemingway hung out. Beautiful interior yet I'm outside watching all the people go by.

The pintxos earlier were filling so I think it's time to head back to sleep. Not before I finish this post :-) What the hay...I'll have a glass of vino blanco and jamon. And I discovered a 5-minute way to the albergue versus the 20-minute way I came.

21:30...bedtime. Tomorrow morning I'll awake and decide where to walk to for tomorrow night!

Thank you body for an awesome walk!

Buen Camino!

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