Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Orisson, France 22 Septiembre 2012

So very grateful that I reserved a night's stay in this private albergue in Orisson!

32 euro for half board which means you share a room like a hostel plus communal dinner and breakfast.

Worth it because after 8 km going from 200 m to 800 m with a backpack AND it was a sunny day--so hot!--I was grateful. Especially since my suitcase being shipped to Santiago did not get picked up until after 9 am that morning which meant I started walking about 9:30 am.

I checked in at 1:11 pm.

This first week will be interesting! initiation into the week's to come! Wash! Make bed! Shower! Relax!

Today I have lots of time from 1:11 pm to do this before communal dinner at 6:30.

Meet one of my roommates--Ed from Perth. Australia. Sofie the receptionist explained all the facilities which included separate toilet and shower facilities. So I was not sure how the bunk beds work. Grateful that I had a bottom bunk for my first Camino albergue! And not much snoring! And good roommates--two couples, Ed and I. Ed says now I can say I slept with x number of men by the time I complete Camino France! LOL LOL LOL

Buen Camino!

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