Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Halfway to Santiago -- Sunday, 21 Octobre 2012

Had to laugh as I sat in the entry area of the Casa Rural part of Boadilla accomodations--here sat four of us not interacting with each other around the circular table...instead each was interacting with our phone. Journaling, blogging And emailing...yes, you guessed it...there was Wi-Fi :-)

Meanwhile...Domingo...21 Octobre 2012...I walked through Terradillos de Los Templarios on my way from Calzadilla de la Cueza to Sahagun. Terradillos marks the halfway point between Saint Jean Pied de Port and Santiago!


A journey of a thousand miles or in this case 789.1 km, begins with one step! How true this Lao Tzu saying is for Camino!

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