Thursday, October 11, 2012

10 Octobre

Well 10 Octobre is a day for me to remember. In 2007, on that day I told my boss I would take a sick day the next day to go see my doctor. To address my extreme fatigue that was there in the morning after 8+ hours of sleep. That had been with me for the past several months. That was limiting my daily activities to work, eat, sleep. I did not know at that time, that it would be the last day of work for me. And the next day would be the beginning of the next chapter of my life's journey! That was 2007! Here I am in 2012 and as I walked a few days ago, I realized that this October is the same layout as the October of 2007.

No surprise on the synchronicity of all this :-) Every pelegrino walks El Camino for various reasons. For me...when the idea came to me in mid-May out-of-the-blue, I figured if not now, then when?

In the weeks before I began El Camino, I felt I also walk to celebrate who I am now compared to who I was in 2007 this time of year.

And to remember to embrace the essence of El Camino as I walk in my day to day. For me, that is respect for self, others, the environment.

I think of this as I walk through the various nature paths. And see the tissues left behind. The plastic bottles. Or in the tapa bars where after the 1 pm rush...the floor is littered with napkins.

Oh well...I will do my part. And leave my rest spots whether in nature or the bars or in the communal kitchen areas of the albergues, clean and clear. For me. For the next person. What a great pay-it-forward for the next person, for Gaia!

Buen Camino!

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