Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Hornillos del Camino, 16 Octobre 2012

Well it's 16:00, martes, 16 octobre 2012, and have checked into a Casa Rural in Hornillos del Camino after walking 21 km across the Meseta today from Burgos.

As I walked into town, it was like old home week as I saw 4 familiar faces outside la tienda del alimentation. They proceeded to tell me that the munipical albergue was rumored to have a bedbug issue so they were going on another 6 km.

I instead checked into the Casa Rural (Hostal de sol a sol) located directly across from la tienda del alimentation, because the body said that's it for today :-). 6 km does not sound like a lot yet the weather while great is also windy. Thank you Source today for cool temps, filtered sun, and wind! The rain came last night and for the first 30 minutes of walking :-)

I heard about 30 minutes later at the bar that the next albergue is closed for the season. Translation--11 km to the next albergue NOT 6 km :-|

So I am very happy I checked into the Casa Rural even though it's 35 euros not the usual 5 to 10 euros :-) for the municipal or private albergues :-)

Definitely one must love to walk to go on Camino! And be attached to taking one's own pace! And listen to the body & intuition!

Buen Camino!

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