Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Weather Challenge :-) 17 Octobre 2012 -- Hornillas

OK...I woke up this morning (17 Octobre 2012) and thought...let's just sleep in today and not walk even though the body is fine!

And Source and Gaia gave me a WOW!!

A beautiful rainbow in the distance as I started walking to my next destination. And BIG WOW...with the view of a complete rainbow! So that was my sign to continue on Camino.

And then hours later...first a light mist! That later turned into rain about 4 km from my destination--Castrojeriz!

This is where the right gear is worth every cent paid! Trail raincoat from LLBean kept me dry! Two warm layers kept my core warm from the chill of the rain! Waterproof Keen hiking boots kept my feet nice and warm and dry! Tyvek kept the things inside my backpack nice and dry! Polartec Buff kept my head, ears, and forehead dry and warm (Thank you Glenn!)! Scarf kept my neck warm and dry! Pants bottoms were soaked yet most of me warm and dry :-)

Now it's 2 hours (17:00) since I checked into the municipal albergue! All my stuff is hanging up to dry while I head out to find something to eat in a country that has lunch at 14:00 and dinner at 21:00. Lucky for me--steaming hot bean soup and Rioja were found at 16:00!

Definitely walking Camino is NOT for the faint of heart be that heart of physical, emotional, spiritual, mental!

The long stretches where either sun, rain, mud, no people, wind, hot, cold show up...certainly allow me the time to notice my thoughts! Am I cranky, judgemental, noncranky, nonjudgmental, present, happy, lost, etc? What am I thinking? Most of the time I'm noticing the path and shifting to the soft parts. And since I walk slow, noticing the beautiful scenery! forecast is rain, rain for the next three days so I was thinking I wish I had some rain pants as I walked back to the albergue in the rain...there are not a lot of stores here. Yet what is right next door to the albergue? This place selling all sorts of camping and hiking gear! Voila, I now have rain pants. And I think I made the owner's day! He hugged me goodbye and gave me a cross!

All Good!
Buen Camino!

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