Saturday, September 27, 2014

27 September 2014 -- to discover or feel the absence of (to miss)

Today is Saturday, 27 September 2014.

I am in Quebec City and sitting on a bench outside the "observatoire de la capitale"...taking a rest and deciding what direction I will walk.  It is 5 PM and the sun is lowering itself down for the night.  All I can see is the buildings - a mix of old stone and new brick.

Traveling allows me the time and space to discover or feel the absence of....

The absence of....HMMMM.

Well first off, in all the excitement and distraction of seeing family.  Or new places.  Or old friends I had not seen in a while.  I did not notice the absence of much.  And that surprised and dismayed me, especially the absence of Tom and Benny.  I winced in those initial days after I left to travel, whenever he would say I miss you!  For I love Tom and I did not miss him.  Ahhh, I was caught up in traveling while he was caught up in day-to-day.  If we exchanged places, might the feelings be the same?  Who knows?

I told him before I left to travel that we should notice what we notice.  Even though me traveling for long stretches of time is not new in our relationship...what is new this time -- we are living together.

Since I have left Noyac NY and my two friends who live there (14 September 2014), there's been ample time to discover or feel the absence of.....the things I love!

A variety of fresh vegetables!  Cooked or raw!
A hot bath!  With Epsom salt would be luxurious!  Essential oils divine!

Being in Quebec City with its Upper Town and Lower Town (thus hills) and located on the St Lawrence River, reminds me of home -- walking up and down hills, walking along The Bay, seeing the beautiful views.

Especially today I am reminded of home, when the morning started off with fog that burned off into a blue sky and sun with 70 degrees.  Perhaps that is the reason writing this post fit with the leisurely day I am spending -- wandering this city just as I often wander my home city.  Just as at home, I can wash clothes another day :-). And instead en-joy this beautiful day!

I trust you are doing what you love!

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