Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Artist's Way...

Today is Wednesday, 3 September 2014.

I awoke to the sound of jack hammers being used on the street outside the room I am sleeping in...7:30 AM...even with ear plugs!  The two friends I am staying with are off to work or working from home.  Leaving me on my own.  As one friend calls it -- (fill in your name) Time.  I love that characterization.  I definitely en-joy my Nina Time.  Which often includes sleeping in.  Today, sleeping in is NOT an option so I might as well get up.  I did not drift off to sleep easily last night so I feel a bit off this morning.

Understandable -- yesterday afternoon, I worked with Tom via FaceTime to organize documents 
to give to the attorney.  That stirred up all that I continue to hold onto with this situation.  Been a while since I did Morning Pages (an Artist's Way tool).  So I opened my journal and wrote without thought or editing for three 8-1/2 by 11 pages.  Well..I did 2-1/2 pages today and All Good!  What came through is that I am too close to this situation, I cannot do it all on my own, I need professional help with it -- thus the attorney.  And to listen to the quiet still part of helps me discern between when I am telling myself TRUTH or BULLSHIT.  Thank you quiet still part of me!

Later when I opened my e-mail, this article about Julia Cameron and The Artist's Way was in my inbox!

It helped to read the article!  And it punctuated what came through in my Morning Pages! are too funny!  Synchroniscity Abounds!  Love It!

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