Monday, September 1, 2014

Pittsburgh, PA (26 August 2014)

It's Tuesday, 26 August 2014.  And I am Amtraking to Pittsburgh PA!  Four hours.

I have this train compartment pretty much to myself.  What a treat!

And these seats are darn comfy as I recline the seat and pull up the foot rest!  Spread out all my provisions for the four hour trip.

And I even had time for wine from the cafe train.  Like my napkin/place mat :-) gotta travel in style :-)

Nice to have some quiet time before I get to my two friends!  Watch all the beautiful scenery whisk by.

My one friend I have known since 1991.  And his partner since they have been together (14 years).  Will be great to see them!

Hugs, kisses abound as I see them and their 9 year old chocolate Labrador!  It's been 7 years since all four of us were together.

They were just grilling dinner when I arrived via taxi.  Salmon in a cast iron skillet on the grill!  So I joined them for wine and a nosh on their cute little patio.  The beginning of daily memorable evenings on their patio while I visited!

Welcome to my abode while staying with them.  My friend was so happy to fix up this little area for me to sleep!  Such a sweetie he is!  And so very thoughtful with his details!  I am so touched at the time and thought that he put into making this little abode for me!

The little red pillows!  The towels on the bed!  The little chocolates!  The ticket to the Pirates game we were attending the next day!  The little reading light!  The flowers!

And my photo on the nightstand!

Time for zzzzzz land!

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