Thursday, September 25, 2014

20 August 2014 -- Potomac River and Georgetown

Today...I am taking it slow and easy.  My friends with the two adult children are heading back here from taking their two children to college.  There is a possibility of meeting up for dinner so I wander.  I love wandering :-)

And in wandering to the end of King Street and the Potomac River, I stop to check out the water taxi.  What fun!  There is one going to Georgetown in another hour.  And returning by 7 pm.  As I debate go or no-go, my friend calls.  They are just leaving the college and will call me when they get home.  Translation:  that will be after 7 pm.  So that means I go on the water taxi.  I love it when things fall into place :-)

There was no water taxi when I frequented Georgetown in the 80's.  So this will be fun.  And it's perfect weather to be on the water :-).  No blazing sun!  Just warm breezes!  Thank you Source!

We land in Georgetown.  And all this at river's edge is new to me!  Last I saw this area, it was full of old buildings and places to find free parking!  Now...a beautiful green space for walking and biking!  Excellent!


Even the street in Georgetown is now full of shops.  And I could have spent hours wandering the side streets.  Mother Nature decided to rain though and Source is looking out for me!  I found a Happy Hour!  And a dry place to watch the raindrops pour!

A nosh and drink's time to make my way back to the water taxi stop.  And thankfully the rain had turned to a drizzle -- Thank You Source!  Had just enough time to get a photo of the site of my former favorite watering hole back in the 80's.  I believe it was behind the first tree.  Fab-o memories!

And the rain stopped!  Now I can take photos of sites familiar...

Kennedy Center


Lincoln Memorial...and me :-)

Washington Monument

And being on the water is quite relaxing!  With chances to catch shots of planes landing at Reagan Airport.  Or rather approaching Reagan Airport.  Or beautiful colors of clouds at sunset.  Or Metro crossing the river.

And now for dinner!  Last chance to get soft shell crab and where?  Voila -- a restaurant on King Street I passed walking back to the hotel from the water taxi stop, had it on the menu!  And one would have been plenty!  Looks like I have lunch for the train :-). Awesome!  The photo does not do justice to how good these delicacies are!  YUMMMMM!

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