Monday, September 1, 2014

Hershey PA (24 August 2014)

Beautiful day (albeit humid) to head to Hershey Botational Gardens which also has a butterfly room.  Look what landed on the strap of my backpack.

Loved seeing all the butterflies!  And they loved having their photo taken!  Except the white ones which kept flying away whenever folks got near.  Yes...I spent a lot of time in the butterfly room :-).  And which photo caught two butterflies in the act of (you fill in the blank) :-)

And this one my friend saw...the butterfly was sitting on a photo of itself!

And then there were all the beautiful flowers!  I love nature!

There is the beautiful rose...the M S Hershey!

And then she took me to nearby Hummeltown PA to a old warehouse full of antique vendors.  And look what I found in Hummeltown PA.  A roasting pan!  Perfect for my version of lasagna only made without noodles!  Or an eggplant dish I make like moussaka!  Or perhaps I will try this brioche based sticky bun recipe (or request my baking friend to try it)

This very cute tea pot.

This trivet for a 10 inch skillet.

And she drove me down a street in Hershey.  Check out the street light!

We even checked out these three larger than life Hershey Kisses we saw from the road.  Yup that's me and the Kiss Mobile!

We even had time to experience Chocolate World!  Where I bought this chocolate peanut butter sandwich cookie!  Which I am still eatting on (many days later!!!).  Too bad I cannot post the video of the fun 15 minute ride that shows how chocolate is made!  With the talking cows!

My mother's favorite candy!


Not interested in experiencing Hershey Park and fun to take photos of it from a-far :-)

And I had my first bagel sandwich there!

On the drive back to my friend's home...we happened upon this band playing on Main Street in Hummeltown PA.

All in all...a fun day!

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