Sunday, March 1, 2009

GREAT energetic healing yesterday!

Sunday, 1 March 2009 9:16 pm PDT

GREAT energetic healing yesterday! I slept almost 12 hours last night! And even took a nap in the afternoon! Even now, I am tired so will soon go to sleep. Practicing good self-care for the next 3-4 days. Our facilitator said to give ourselves 2 days to integrate the healing. Have learned I need twice as much time to re-coup my energy.

Yet wanted to note this. When I woke up, one of the thoughts I had was remembering something I had read a number of years ago by Christine Northrup, MD. About how women get physical signals when they cycle each month so all their life they have opportunities to address the underlying issues that are creating the physical signals. And that when they reach menopause, if they have not addressed these issues, then the body is yelling.

Had to go find the passage......
p.39 The Wisdom of Menopause.
"PMS With its physical and emotional discomfort, PMS is one way a woman's body elbows her every month to remind her of the growing backlog of unresolved issues accumulating within her. Everything from un-balanced nutrition to un-resolved relations can disrupt the normal hormonal milieu, wreaking physical and emotional havoc during the childbearing years. Igoring these early, relatively gentle nudges month after month sets her up for sharper and more urgent messages. Inconvenient as they are, these pains are our allies, begging us to look up and see what's not working in our lives. And the body is persistent.

Periomenopause. PMS times ten. Safe bet that any uncomfortable symptoms that reveal themselves during times of hormonal shift will be magnified and prolonged if a woman is carrying a heavy load of emotional baggage."

I recall when I read that many years ago, I wondered what menopause would be like for me. Given my PMS symptoms were generally quite tired on the first day or two of my period. And at times craving for spicy foods.

Today when I read this, I could see where as much as I had relieved myself of a lot of emotional baggage along the way, there was stuff I was carrying that I either did not know about or denied. No wonder the physical was so fatigued in 2007 when I crossed into menopause that year. Physical body said "Time to stop & un-load the baggage!" While I feel much lighter today, the physical body is still struggling--signaling that un-resolved, un-healed issues await my attention! And not tonight.

Time for sleep & rejuevenating the mind, body, spirit!

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