Monday, March 2, 2009

time to reality-check

Monday, 2 March 2009 10:45 AM PDT

GREAT healing work. Slept 9 hours. And dreamt of looking for a new house with a realtor. Metaphorically, house = self. And this is where I find myself today -- letting go of the old self and the way things used to be, looking for the new self and the way things are becoming. In transition.

And seems a good place to reality-check. From the heart. Not the mind. And to remember self-care in honoring Saturday's work!

So I took out this that I had copied from Kathy Freston’s Quantum Wellness book, her Eight Pillars of Wellness. And I added mine Sleep/Rest at the very top just because I LOVE my sleep! Ask my heart - what am avoiding in my training for Life and Well-being! Today! Not to go back and feel guilty about the past! Yet to just focus on today. And what I notice today!

I put Sleep/Rest @ the top of my list - definitely NOT been avoiding this one! Thank You Source for giving me good sleep every night!

Meditation -- yes, avoiding

Visualization -- yes, avoiding

Fun activities (and laughter) -- no and these are distracting me from time with the other activities

Conscious eating -- yes eatting and yet not consciously. more hurried @ times so I can get to the next activity. instead of savoring, enjoying, loving every minute of eatting and what I'm eatting.

Exercise -- ok here, the daily walks. the weekly tai chi and feldenkrais class. this is sufficient to keep my whole body in movement. and eventually my full range of movement will return.

Spiritual practice -- huge avoid here. for about three months. and noticing how easily I let other activities take its place. Old. And new. No wonder the body has been de-pressing me the past month or so. And signaling me in other ways.

Self-work -- yes and now it's time to dig deeper in the emotional baggage. Explore a room or two in this house called Me that have not been opened in a while.

Sometimes I have to go through the baggage. be in the baggage. talk to the baggage. listen to the baggage. in order to come out of the baggage with a different view. Does NOT mean I love the process. Am willing to show up and see what happens.

Time for a little walking meditation to honor today! Self-care! And see what happens from there!

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