Thursday, March 26, 2009


Thursday 26 March 2009 10:30 AM PDT

Each morning as I sit & eat my breakfast salad or do my morning pages, I pull from two card decks, the bottom card. Today's cards I wanted the thoughts to ripple out into the world. So here goes my intention......

Connection. Connect with someone special. A loved one is a gift to treasure. Cheryl Richardson's Self-Care cards

Illness begins in the stomach, and diet is the main remedy. (7) Be mindful today of how you nourish your body with healthful food. Feed your spirit with self-respect and self-love, allowing only healthy thoughts and feelings to enter your being. Carolyn Myss' Healing cards.

These two cards are interwined today for me (after re-reading my morning pages) - for my someone special is me, my self, and I. And healthy thoughts, feelings, food, conversations, activities, etc, etc sounds YUMMY!

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