Thursday, March 19, 2009

reflections on my self-care re-treat

Thursday 19 March 2009 10:17 PM PDT

1 to 17 March -- self-care re-treat here @ home. Looking backwards - needed the time to re-balance myself. Too much focus on my physical body for the past three months. Not enough on my emotional & spiritual bodies. And my mental body enjoying all the research to help the physical body.

Re-balancing to help re-store my system from the 19-week chelation that ended in January. The 21-day Standard Process purification program I did with my practioner in Feb. AND all that those two processes released, not just from my physical, also my emotional & mental bodies. Oh my, A LOT released. And release keeps coming in dribs and drabs now. ALL good! AND my system definitely needs time to heal. And for that it needs energy. Rest and sleep. And I do love my sleep : - ) This past 5 or 6 months is a test to see what I have learned (or NOT) from the past 24 months LOL LOL LOL about listening to each and every body of mine (collectively, my system).

My mental body is often so strong (no surprise there).
My emotional body is often silent or quiet (no surprise there).
My physical body likes to fight with the other two (no surprise there)
Talk about internal stress - no wonder my system is tired LOL LOL
And getting them all congruent around one subject, especially if it's for the highest good - well that's where I ask Source (and anyone else who wants to help) -- help me get my system congruent!

AND today, they all agreed -- I'm grieving! The losses....of the me before all the physical stuff started happening. The me I thought I knew. The methods or processes that don't work today that used to work before. Friends I would see all the time and now see or talk to every so often. Any familiar and comfortable stuff that is no longer. AND I sense losses unbeknowing to my conscious that were not grieved when they happened in the past. As a friend said last night, now that my physical stuff is not so overwhelming--taking front and center, the emotional stuff can now be heard.

And today's Cheryl Richardson Self-Care card was so appropriate in general for me....
Decisions. Honor your top priorities. If it's not an absolute yes, then it's a no.

Much appreciation Everyone!

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