Monday, March 9, 2009

Leap of Faith

9 March 2009 11 am PDT

Well, I am certainly getting opportunities to stand up for my-self. Like the MD (who first ordered the heavy metals test and recommended chelation). When I called for an appt, the earliest appt was two months away. So I made the appt and decided to mail him my questions & leave him a voicemail asking if he could get back to me before the appt. No response. A week later, I left another voicemail. No response. By this time, I'm fuming inside (and not even considering the impact on my health or my adrenals). So I call his office to find out if he's in. He has been in for the past two weeks, yet behind in responding to patient voicemails. Now I'm really fuming, so I leave him a voicemail that starts out calm. And somewhere in there I say not acknowledging my voicemail and written questions (either himself or his office), is both rude and un-professional. After I ended the call, boy did I feel good and bad at the same time. Healthy ego felt good. Self-sacrifice felt bad. Hmmmm? Good to know this going forward.

Releasing dark emotions is a challenge for me. Seems the detoxing is releasing more than just the toxic metals. And that for me, is a VERY GOOD thing.

Meanwhile, the MD finally called me back. AND his office. To apologize. And schedule an appt (which I had last Friday). And all that was refreshing. WOW my MD is human. Plus he discounted my visit fee due to his not returning my call promptly. And the 45-minute consultation was full of info & discussion. For now, I think I've found the MD who can be my sounding board for the research I do. And what various practioners tell me.

If anything I've learned in the past 2 years, there's pro and con for this protocol and that protocol. And in the end, it's a leap of faith. Which brings me full circle to my spiritual and emotional exercises! All of this -- a test of my faith and trust! In me! In Source! In my connection to everything! Sometimes experience is the only way I learn something! LOL! LOL!

As for the physical stuff going on with me. Well, my body definitely needs a break from the chelation. So am starting a protocol to re-balance my vitamin/mineral im-balances. There is research done that vitamin/mineral imbalances can cause the body to store toxic metals. Re-balancing the mineral levels and corresponding ratios of certain minerals (along with other lifestyle areas like nutrition, exercise, sleep, rest, stress management) can cause the body to release toxic metals that it does not need due to the mineral imbalances. Will try this for 2-3 months and then re-test. Appears to be gentler way of getting the toxic metals out of my system. The MD is onboard with me takinga break from the DMSA chelation given the reaction towards the end of it. Plus he wants to talk during our next consult about my spiritual practices. He believes that miracles do happen. And some of his patients have healed themselves solely through their spiritual.

OK Source, I can take a hint! My daily spiritual balancing and healing are very important! Onward ho!

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