Sunday, March 29, 2009

healing work on me

Sunday, 29 March 2009 11:00 AM PDT

WOW! What a day yesterday! Kept repeating WOW on the ride home last night.

Left my house @ 8:45 AM to meet my ride to Dancing With Source workshop. Wondering if I should go as I woke up with a dull pain in my tooth & the gum above it. OUCH! They had been below the radar screen since Tuesday night and now were quite loud in wanting my attention. AND what better place to be than at my advanced energetic healing workshop. "Before anything happens physically, it happens energetically." (Dancing with Source materials). Besides this was definitaly NOT an emergency to call my dentist. AND the idea of an anti-inflammatory was last on the list of ideas to address this.

Plus I have come to learn AND trust, whatever is happening to me in that moment fits into whatever process we'll be learning at my monthly Dancing With Source workshop. As our teacher Ashley & I greeted and hugged each other, she asked how I was. And I responded about the pain in my tooth and gum. And she smiled and said she had a number to give me. Then turned to go get the number. I felt my self constrict. I felt heard yet was I? I doubted. Well, the answer was YES. For when we all came together to start our workshop, Ashley said before we start, we will help Nina with her tooth and gum. And before we can fill her with this number for healthy gum and teeth, we must prepare her system to receive it, because it does not. She told the class that she picked this up when she handed me post-it with the number and felt my energy field constrict as if it did not want to receive the number, even though I physically took the post-it & thanked her. Thus the energetic healing of me for that moment began. It was around I believe (can't recall exactly) letting go of the health. WOW! When she asked how I was at the end of the healing work, I felt fabulous. AND my tooth & gum definitely less painful (and loud)!

My receiving continued. And giving. We paired up after lunch to practice. My partner and I had the same topic: what prevents you from standing in your power? what do you need to stand in your power? For me, fear prevented me and trust enables me. We both felt better through & through about standing in our power at the end of our practice.

Then there was two persons receiving healing work from the group. That was awesome as well.

AND I guess I did ask for more practice, just did not mean that night (be mindful AND clear what you ask for LOL). Ashley and three of us went afterwards to eat at Cafe Gratitude. And a friend came over to talk to Ashley. 30 ?? minutes later, she asked if we were up to doing more work. Then I understood the reason for what I had ordered: besides my usual "I am healthy" juice, I ordered a fresh coconut water (hydrates better than water) AND a shot of E3Live (a superfood to boost your energy). Did not make sense at the time I ordered as I was NOT tired and NOT dehydrated. Yet I figured why not? Little did I know I would be working after dinner.

I LOVE this work! And concur with what one of the participants said before our workshop ended: that which each of us heals in ourselves, also heals that in the world. That alone incents me to continue this work. This is my legacy. And to facilitate the healing work that another wants - what a gift! AND this builds on all the tools I continue to integrate into "me": the CTI coaching tools, the CTI leadership tools, the organization & relationship systems coaching (ORSC) tools. Well, well, well......on 08 October 2008, I began to ask Source to open a new road for me today. The road is often right in front of me, if only I would open all of me to "see" it. And to actually choose to take it.

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