Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Wednesday, 1 April 2009 1:45 PM PDT

Time will tell on my well-being! For today, I feeling pretty dang good!

Rhuematoid arthritis (inflammation of the joints), adrenal fatigue (adrenal glands help the body deal with stress), estrogen dominance (my glands imbalanced in its production of estrogen & progesterone), mercury & lead toxicity (body not releasing toxic metals).

Bottom line (can see this clearer NOW than I did when I was whirling around in the midst of physical body overwhelm back then), my system (and not just my physical body) was out-of-balance regardless of what caused all my physical symptoms. Re-balancing my system will take time for me to do my inner work, lots of self-love, and grace & miracles from Source/God. AND since I believe each of us are holigrams of the world/the planet. The world/the planet/each of us are also in the midst of re-balancing. I ask Source/God to guide each of us towards what works for each of us to re-balance our lives/our system. To cleanse, clear, and heal what prevents each of us from standing in our power and connected to that which is greater than each of us. And to stay the course regardless the length of time it takes.

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