Sunday, April 19, 2009


transitive verb
1: to perform (a sacrament or solemn ceremony) publicly and with appropriate rites
2 a: to honor (as a holiday) especially by solemn ceremonies or by refraining from ordinary business b: to mark (as an anniversary) by festivities or other deviation from routine3: to hold up or play up for public notice

intransitive verb
1: to observe a holiday, perform a religious ceremony, or take part in a festival
2: to observe a notable occasion with festivities

Take a moment….
Oh phooey, take a whole day!
And celebrate!
Really bask
In all that is
About your life!
And then tell someone.
What you are
Spread celebration!

Nina Chong

That is what I did on Friday. And now that I think about it, yesterday. Really basked in the things that are blessed and good in my life. Like......

hearing the lovely birds singing to each other (and me) as I walked near Crissy Field yesterday. I thanked the two as I walked past where they were sitting in the bush.

the girl working @ Sports Basement yesterday who asked me if she could help me find something (and I could tell she meant it).

same girl found me several pairs of shoes. Come to think of it - forgot to thank her for her help. Thank you through the ether!

the comfy couches in Sports Basement shoe department. My feet took a very long time to figure out which shoes they liked, so I enjoyed the time out lounging.

my easy access via foot or bus to nature be it water (the Bay, the Ocean) or green grass (Washington Square Park, Fort Mason, Crissy Field, Presidio, Golden Gate Park).

the interesting tree shapes as I walked around town. So beautiful I told them.

the roses are blooming. Stop and smell the roses - it's awesome!

all the folks out walking, biking, running, playing, sitting, laying in the sun. happy and enjoying their day. And all the dogs a-playing.

the happy baby behind me on the bus wth this huge grin each time I turned and smiled @ him.

the stiffness in my body telling me I'd sat too long.

the tenderness in my toe joints telling me it's time to walk around AND we walked too much yesterday.

a warm night in San Francisco -- AHHHH!

my yummy veggies from Capay Farm's delivery cut and tossed as a tasty raw salad. With great Katz vinegar and olive oil from Napa Valley. So blessed to have GREAT organic veggies close by!

fresh and clean water to drink whenever I want it from my kitchen tap, with a lot of help from Hetch Hetchy Reservoir and my newly installed Conscious Living water filtration system.

my trigger fingers telling me it's time to stop using my hands and give them a rest.

being alive!

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