Thursday, April 9, 2009

5 April to 21 April - WOW!

Sunday, 5 April, I did healing work with my Dancing with Source teacher Ashley. Based on what I recounted to her RE: my Friday consult with Dr. Michael, she checked and while I was congruent with trusting Jesus. And trusting the Holy Spirit. I was not with trusting God. And that included disempowering core beliefs, patterns, programs, etc. around that. We did a lot of processes to heal any & all things related to not trusting God. And Source indicated it would be about 14-1/2 days for all these processes to complete.

As with any protocol I've tried since I got ill way back when, I just notice and see what happens in the days afterward. And it's been pretty interesting. My morning pages capture quite a bit from the nocturnal world. Figure this is the raw material for insights when I read them months/years from now. Journaling and blogging capture the rest as much as I can. I hear Dr. Michael's words "your experience becomes your evidence".

Tuesday (7 April) definitely noticed a shift in my energy and creativity level from the moment I was jolted awake @ 6 AM by a feeling coursing up through my body, from the base of my spine, all the way up and out. Like an orgasm. YES, I remember the dream was sexual. 'Cause I was holding what I thought was a vibrator yet it turned in to this violet colored crystal that was long and rectangular shaped. Regardless, this surge jolted me wide awake. And then I had abdominal cramping and needed to have a bowel movement. And instead of falling back asleep, I tossed and turned wondering what just happened. And is this the kundalini (sp??) energy that Ashley spoke of on Sunday as I asked her to explain what that is. And then I hear voices saying you don't need to be validated by anyone except you. Or approved. Or loved. And then saying copy the cards and make up packages for your women's support group. 6. random. OK?

So for the first time in a long while, I was wide awake @ 7:30 am doing my morning pages. And then copying cards and making up packages for my women's support group for transition. 6 packages with 5 random cards from my card decks: inner child, inner goddess, healing, self-care, power. And then I kept my date with my self - Legion of Honor to see the Lalique, Tiffany, and Faberge special exhibit. And rested several times outside the Legion's cafe before walking a while. The rest was GREATLY appreciated as I noticed my energy level felt restored after each rest. And the conversations with the six women in my support group were inspiring. And afterwards when three of us went for tea.

Now it is 21 April. What a fast, experiential, evidential two weeks it's been. Definitely noticing what topics energize me as I talk about them. Or what lights me up inside when others interact with me. Folks journeying to his/her authentic self (like me). In whatever form that looks like, yet I see it. Sense it. Each doing what each does, one baby step at a time. To witness that. To facilitate another's healing work. What a gift! What an honor! What an edge for me! Thank you God for all that has brought me to this moment! Practice, patience, choices, noticing - all help me hear that deep voice inside that is connected to you! My fragments are re-integrating. And working together now.

WOW! I hear Dr. Micheal "your experience will become your evidence". And Ashley "before it happens physically, it happens energetically."

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