Thursday, March 5, 2009

2 weeks of self-care

Thursday, 5 March 2009 11:19 AM PST

Well, it's good to feel and know that getting back into my spiritual and emotional exercises is not like starting all over again. Boy oh boy the disempowering or distracting talk I give myself LOL! LOL!

Am very glad I gave myself these two weeks of self-care. And I now understand - of re-balancing my three-legged stool of physical, spiritual, emotional. To re-connect with my intention of being a well-being. To notice when I go towards things that nurture that intention. And when I get distracted.

For example, on Monday, I did a walking meditation for the first time in a long while. And after the 15-minute tape was complete, I felt, really felt the difference in all of me from when I started (scattered, hurried, wanting to get to my errands) and when I ended (calm, peaceful, knowing that none of the errands needed to be done today). And it helped me the rest of the day when I was tempted to quickly try and do a lot of things. Or walk fast to get somewhere. All when I felt tired. I say tempted because instead I chose to rest/nap. Self-care smiling at me!

Then there is a daily exercise I had not done since the holidays -- my spiritual balancing (chakras, subtle energy bodies, planetary energies, full spectrum color, other areas). Instead of letting myself get distracted into doing other things, I set aside time to go through this practice. Yesterday and today, noticing how hurried I felt, wanting to get this done so I could move on to other things). AND instead of giving into that impatience AND giving up the balancing, I continued on until I completed the balancing. Realized at the end that I was NOT as un-balanced as I thought and believed (operative words thought & believed) I was.

Even being off e-mail for three days was nourishing! YUMMY!

Thank you physical de-pression for reminding me to nourish my emotional and spiritual!

AND not to forget how am I physically - tiredness has returned. And like de-pression. tiredness wants me to slow down and take good self-care. For I will want all three as I move deeper into me and heal whatever I find.

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