Sunday, March 22, 2009

Fantasy & Humor; Cleanse & Clear

Sunday, 22 March 2009 12:15 PM PDT

Before I went to sleep last night, I kept rubbing my fingers: the trigger finger in my left index finger hurt. The trigger finger in my right middle finger hurt. Both thumbs hurt. Arthritis speaking loudly.

Trigger finger is a swelling within a tendon sheath. Plus my fingers definitely felt inflamed.

And rather than focus on my physical, I went to Louise Hay's Heal Your Body little blue book and looked up:
thumb--intellect & worry
index finger--ego & fear
middle finger--anger & sexuality
inflammation--fear, inflamed thinking
swelling--being stuck in thinking

And before I went to sleep, I asked that throughout the night while I am deeply and completely sleeping that Everyone do whatever processes were necessary to heal my congruence with fear, worry, anger. And replace it with unconditional love, compassion, gratitude.

Well, 10+ hours of sleep later, I awoke this morning to a sense of stillness, tiredness. AND then the flood of thoughts, to-dos, etc, etc, flooded me. Was so overwhelmed I had to do 'morning pages'. GREAT way to download all that stuff from my mind. So I could then enjoy my breakfast salad. And stare @ the clouds outside my kitchen window. JUST breathe in the peaceful! Inhale! Exhale!

And then I took my cards from the bottom of each deck, to set the tone for my day.

Achievement. Chase your dreams. You may be surprised by where they lead you. Cheryl Richardson's Self-Care card deck

To heal the body, first heal the mind. (20) Today is for observation. Where does your mind wander naturally -- into fear or fantasy, humor or stress? Follow your mind, and observe wher it goes to feed itself. Do you like what you see? Carolyn Myss's Healing card deck

All that I had been writing this morning, fed into these two cards. And what my friend Gloria has asked in an e-mail yesterday - are you still cleansing & clearing?

And I noticed that my fingers did not hurt as much as they did when I went to bed the night before. And my two trigger fingers were not sticking, clicking, hurting. Usually the mornings are the worst for all this.

My morning pages this morning showed that my mental body wanders towards fear & stress. And my fingers showed that somewhere in my system is worry, anger, fear. So for today, I will feed my system, and not just my mental body, with fantasy & humor.

Was great to then talk to Gloria on the phone - her energy is definitely fantasy & humor. Good to get that infusion. And to laugh, laugh, laugh! Appreciate it my dear!



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