Friday, February 27, 2009

Dancing with Source energetic healing workshop

Saturday, 28 Febuary 2009 8:45 PM PDT

Sometimes hearing your voice say something out loud to someone else unlocks the answer you know deep inside.

Or write.

Perhaps that's another reason for these posts, to unlock the answer I know deep within.

Today was my Dancing with Source energetic healing workshop. Feel truly blessed & appreciative of today's work. From it, came the response to my asking for guidance. And I believed I had just asked in the past 7 or so days. WRONG. I looked through my journaling and the thread runs through my journaling since 17 January 2009. Wanting to know what am I protecting? What am I avoiding? Not on a physical plane - on an emotional, spiritual plane. For healing the physical has taken front & center for the past months now (as the posts point to).

Healing my congruency with Self-Sacrifice. And the various ways it shows up for me. WEO, that's huge for me! Now I've written it down so I don't conveniently 'forget' it.

Interesting - before I went to the DWS workshop today, I had cleared my calendar for the next two weeks to rest the body (and do energetic healing work @ other levels for myself). Funny, how things fall into place when there is flow!

And after 6 weeks, realized that a lot of my old ways of avoiding or distracting myself from facing stuff don't work. And I'm creative so I created new ways. What I won't do to avoid! LOL! Practicing discernment. AND I will do the work - in my own time, yet I will do the work.

And I appreciate all that the chelation and purification program stirred up (hindsight). For I am in a good place to dance, dance, dance with Self-Sacrifice. For as long as it takes for it (and its many forms) to tell me what it needs to tell me. And vice versa. As Gloria calls them "messages of love". And then we can thank each other for the dance. I can move to the next dance. And they can move to the Light!

Time for sleep! LOTS of sleep!

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