Thursday, February 26, 2009


Thursday, 26 Febuary 2009 11:17 AM PST

A huge AHA. And pieces of the puzzle falling together.

Hindsight, catalysts were probably bits and pieces of conversations or things I saw, read, heard in the past week. And FINALLY listening to what my friend Gloria calls "messages of love" from malaise, depression, apathy, lethargy. Especially de-pression.

Did a lot of journaling over the weekend. Been a long time so writing felt good. On Monday talked with my nutrition response testing (NRT) practioner. And then Tuesday the AHA got punctuated when talking to my naturathic doctor. And again when I got together with a friend Tuesday night. And as I talked with my therapist yesterday (started back visiting with her yesterday), hearing myself say the following - hit home to the core.

Basically, here I am thinking (operative word thinking) that I have NOT been doing much of anything since I got back from visiting Nancy, Lester, Sara, Doug back in NC. In my true Nina style, I ended heavy metal chelation for removing the mercury and lead on 19 January (thus detoxing heavy metals for 19 weeks). Then I decide 9 days later, after my NRT practioner suggests it, to do the Standard Process purification program for 21 days (general detoxing and support of the body's organs) along with some of the other patients.

No wonder I feel the way I feel - physically, emotionally, etc, etc. Completely forgot and denied that when the body is eliminating toxic stuff, it is not only stirring stuff up @ all levels, it also tries to heal. And when it's healing, the symptoms often get worse first, then better. And the body needs a lot of energy to heal, detox. And all through this, I kept putting activities on my calendar NOT slowing down.

Boy oh boy, my body de-pressed. I was pressing forward to get back to my "normal life" or whatever. Pressing through all the effects of the chelation & purification program. Trying to speed up the natural healing process. Pressing through that. So the body de-pressed each time I pressed. In order to get me to slow down and take time (and as importantly my energy) to heal from the chelation and detox.

Thank God for each conversation I had over the past several weeks (much appreciation to Eduard, Donna, Alice, Cheryl, Ann, Edgardo). And for me FINALLY. FINALLY taking the time to listen to what the de-pression was trying to tell me (instead of telling her to go away or get out of my way).

Keeping my calendar down to the bare minimum for the next two weeks. So I can allow my body to rest and heal. AND LISTEN!

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