Thursday, February 26, 2009

to my lunch buddies

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2009 10:18 AM, PST

Today I dedicate all my well-being activites to my lunch buddies: June, Amie, Glenn, Carol, JD!

Dedicating what I do to someone else helps the "not feeling well" more palatable! And yeah for today - the off and on malaise/depression/yuk seems to have gone! Leaving my happy, grateful spirit intact. And this darn tiredness even after 9 (YES NINE) hours of sleep! And Thank You God for this day!

Thank you for my housekeeper who's is here today! She is a God-send!

Thank you for my practioners who will help me determine the options for chelating the lead. And help keep me on my healing path!

Thank you for the massage appointment @ noon which will force me to get out & about for my daily walk! Because I feel more like curling up & watching a movie!

Send Love and Hugs!

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