Thursday, February 26, 2009

When you have something, then you notice it's absence.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 08, 2009 12:23 PM, PST

When you have something, then you notice it's absence. And vice versa.

And this morning when I woke up, I noticed the absence of feeling well. The trend of it also. The combination of foggy headiness like the effects of hangover (yet no alcohol has been consumed for over five months) and coming down with a cold (tied, run-down & head congestion). Plus my hands and feet are much more achy nnd hurt more than usual when I use them. Yet I slept a good nine hours!

And after feeling GREAT for a number of months, this trend in the past month of feeling not well, sends me into doubt. And that my recovery is regressing not progressing. And...... Amazing all the negative, low energy voices that start coming out and talking as I tell myself that is it best to get up and do the things planned for today.

So this journaling helps me capture the low, high and in=between moments of this journey. This chaotic place between the old life I had before I got sick. And the new life that is yet to un-fold! So that I do not loose sight in the midst of all these negative, low energy voices, that I have come a long way. And there has been progression. And it all takes time.

Someone told me we get a new physical body every seven years. So let's see that means I'm working on my eighth one. With that in mind, all I'm doing is dedicated to this new body & all my internals working optimally!

Onward ho! to the planned activities for today - getting out and visiting with friends.

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