Thursday, February 26, 2009

Being In Transition

Started these notes today (2009 Febuary 1) -- some 18 months after all my physical symptoms started showing up and the MDs gave me the diagnoses. Not to re-hash the past journey. Instead to help me focus on where I am today. So I can learn from the past. Help me navigate......for my journey is not over……yet!

My intention: to be a well-being!

Love & Hugs!


15 August 2008, saw the integrative MD today for the blood and urine test results. Nothing jumped out at him except
--very elevated levels of mercury and lead
--no beneficial bacteria growth

Lead level surprised me. Even the mercury level surprised me. That was given the Nutrition Response Testing practioner I started working with (February 2008) had muscle tested & found my body has a mercury challenge. We’d been using nutrition & whole food supplements to strengthen and detox my body. Still....metal toxicity appeared to be the cause of all the stuff I'd been experiencing. How validating!

The integrative MD offered up two options for chelating the mercury and lead: homeopathic or chelating drug. And referred me to an ND to oversee the chelation therapy. After going back & forth in my mind ( A LOT), I chose the chelating drug (DMSA).

After 16 weeks of chelating, overall feeling GREAT and minimal side effects. Really felt like this was it. The re-testing in January would be clean. 2009 would begin with me well. Yes, and then came the following weeks.

On the GREAT side, would often wake up in the morning and NOT be foggy-headed. Or NOT feel tired after 9 hours of sleep. Swelling in my fingers/hand subsided. Achiness/pain in my fingers and feet was less.

In the last two weeks of chelating, started noticing symptoms returning. Plus other things like vision changes. And I checked with the MD and the ND. Both believed these were detoxing effects.

Onward ho! To February......

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