Sunday, April 3, 2016

What fun....

Green smoothie from Casa de Nina...

Adventure bread from...

OMG...this gluten-free adventure bread is so tasty!  I froze a loaf so I could un-thaw and try once I could eat grains and oil (this bread contains oats).  Definitely want to try his wheat bread--he grinds his own flour and makes his yeast from a fermented water and flour mixture.  So I looked up the adventure bread ingredients on his website....oats, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, almond flour, almonds, flax seeds, psyllium seed husk, maple syrup, olive oil, sea salt

Rainbow reflection on kitchen wall, off of crystal given to me by BJ.  Thank you BJ.  Been en-joying the rainbow reflections for a lot of years!

Wow, that slice of adventure bread and cup of green smoothie is satisfying.  And on that note, better adventure my way out the door to farmers market to get Rusty's Farm honey, before the farmers market closes.

Happened upon this filming on my walking-way to Fort Mason Farmers Market.  Filming of some cooking challenge at Aquatic Park.  

Who are these hosts?  What's the show?  No clue and neither do the onlookers on either side of me...

Quite a set-up and very professonal.

They are taking a break in filming so I better get to the farmers market before it closes at 1:30 (after 12 noon now)...

This view never ceases to amaze me!  Thank you!

Or the walkway view...

There's the farmers market!

Blessed to have access to farmers market...most days of the week.  This one is well supported on Sundays.

Okay I am here only for Rusty's Farm honey.  Or so I I have 2 bags full -- lettuce, veggies, honey, oranges, cauliflower, strawberries.  This one stand was having a sale on lettuce and veggies and I do love my veggies.  Plus I like to support the local organic farmers.  And I enjoy talking to Rusty and eatting the honey from Pacifica, Brisbane, Daly City.  So I buy three small jars instead of one large, since I can't decide which one I like.

While talking to the woman helping Rusty about english peas (she was eatting some from the pod) and telling her that I was introduced to english peas from the pod by my neighbor, guess who walks up to me - my neighbor.  Synchronistic!

So I got to talking with my neighbor and her partner and completely forgot to take photos of us.  And various shots of the market.  I just realized that's my neighbor in this photo -- I was trying to get a photo of my bags full of items with the market in the background so did not notice her :-|

Feels so at the farmers market, running into neighbors, chatting with the vendors.

We three walk back together.  Cooking challenge still filming.

Turns out it's an Australian show - Master Chef.

3 pm and I really must buckle tarea español!  ¡Y estudio para mi examen manaña!  Where to go besides do this at home.  Where can I go that I have not been before?  That has Wi-Fi because part of the homework is lab work.  Oh yes,  Beacon Coffee and Pastry.  Wow, popular place at 3:30 Sunday.  I snag the last seat and buy a Pellegrino.

Well this sign posted behind that coffee cup to the right of me pushes me to finish my homework and studying in 2 hours...

5:30 and time to fix dinner and put away the farmers market buys!

Wow...did I really carry all of these items walking back home :-)

What's for dinner?  I can just eat a salad :-).  For T....hmmm....heat up lentil soup from the freezer!  Perfecto.  My first time testing Corningware.....from freezer.... oven at 300 degrees....

Meanwhile the lettuce has wilted since I was at the farmers market at 1-ish and it's now 6-ish.  ¡No hay problema!

I just cut off the root ends and place in filtered water until the leaves perk-up like this..,,

Or this....

And I usually throw away the cauliflower leaves because they usually are wilted.  Not this time.  What to do?  Internet search to the rescue.

Take this....

Place in cast iron skillet and bake until done.  The greens crisp up like kale chips.  The white part is bland tasting and probably better pureed for a soup base.

While all this is going on, I fix my lovely salad.  YUMMMMMMM......

And look, the Corningware survived the 300 degrees oven.  Been "meaning to" try the freezer to the oven with Corningware since I started using them.  Anywho, it works!  And the lentil soup is re-heated and ready to serve.

Oops, forgot to photo the delicious asparagus and leek pureed soup over steamed califlower, leek, asparagus we had for dinner.

Another fun day!  Slept in (that's always fun for me).  Got my walk in.  Saw my neighbors outside the neighborhood.  Supported the bee-keeper and local farmers.  Ate some delicious and nutrious-for-me food.  Studied my spanish.  Did some homework.  Had lots of energy.  Went to a different cafe to study spanish.  Blogged.  Listened to T. tell me about his work-day events and an interesting NPR interview he heard on his drive to work -- with the author who for two years lived the life of a migrant worker from Mexico.  Most fascinating!

Truly the small things in life make a difference.

Buenas Noches!  Manaña tengo que terminar mi tarea español :-)

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