Saturday, April 2, 2016

"Meaning To" to "Happening" -- "Significa Que" a "Pasando"


Welcome to change in weather as I gaze on my view this morning...April 2.  It's about 9 a.m.  I love this view regardless of the weather!

Love that the red star is dancing along the electric lines outside the window :-) I ride on the Muni bus.....watching the buildings and people pass by...I wondered about the various 'meaning tos' that 'did not happen'.  That feels like the theme of this 60 days...and more.  Getting caught up in the "happen" versus the "meaning to".

As I wait for my number to be called at the lab to do my fasting-blood work.....been 'meaning to' ..... voy al café nuevo o diferente y estudio mis lecciones españoles en vez de estudiar en casa.  Hoy cumplo 'significa que' en 'pasando'.  Este lunes tengo el examen español y necesito estudiar pretérito y imperfecto.  ¡Dios Mío! ¡Muy difícil por aprender!  ¡Escribo en español mas or menos facil.  No practico hablar....todavîa.

¡Antes de voy al cafe, voy al restaurante y almuerzo!  Y camino al restaurante Viva Goa por la comida vegetale India.  Hoy necesito dar un paseo para ejercicio,

It's 10:30 so I decide to walk to Via Goa restaurant.  It's about 18 or so blocks, up and over a hill.  I need my walk/exercise for the day.  The clouds are beginning to dissipate; blue sky is peeking though the clouds, and sun is coming through the clouds big-time.  So it's great to walk even with the chilly wind.  El día perfecto por un paseo.  El árbol bonito.  And this one is definitely strong as it grows out like this.

I happen upon this sign and walk past it, then turn around to photograph it and detour for a look-see.  Cannot recall going to an estate sale before.  No time like the present.  Definitely doing something different :-)  I have been drinking my green smoothie since I had the blood work completed, so I am not in a hurry to eat.

Walking from room to room in the house with the estate sale reminds me of my parents, especially my mother.  I see four un-opened boxes of wax paper on a shelf.  My mother would stock pile plastic wrap....un-opened boxes were in her pantry...definitely more than four rolls that I recall.  I just finished my roll of wax paper and I usually buy ONE roll to replace the depleted one.  This time I bought TWO not one box.  Thinking of my mother and smiling.  66 cents each...she'd be proud of my great deal!

I also bought a full, open box of 12 un-used, new mason jar lids and screw-tops.  $1.  Been meaning to replace mine as I don't use for canning, I use the mason jars when I am walking and carry my smoothie with me.  Or my 'drink' to the park two blocks away to sit in the sun.  No leakage.  And the jar is glass.  Tom told me the other day not to use because the screw-tops were rusted on the inside and touch the glass where I drink.  He has a point....

Now it's time to eat.  The smell of spices is wonderful as I enter Via Goa restaurant!  And it's hard for me to decide what vegetable dish to order.  Yummmm...vegetable is!!!!

So delicious!  And satisfying!  The photo looks small yet the bowl was about 5 inches in diameter.  Will be back to try other Goan specialities...Via Goa at 2420 Lombard.

Now 1:30 pm and time....estudio español.

Coffee Roastery is around the corner so here I am Spanish studying and doing my homework.  And blogging :-) as a break!

Nice to look up every so often and see this view of the sun shining on the buildings opposite the cafe!  And the blue sky!  The reflecting light makes this somewhat dark indoors feel bright.

Soon it will be time to head home for dinner.  The vegetable caldin was delicious and feeling sluggish now.  Must be the coconut milk and my digestive system trying to digest it.  Oh well....

Now 5 pm and en-joying a delicious salad (oops no photo).  And some steamed asparagus, cremini mushrooms, and zucchini.

And a little glass of rosé (1 & 1/2 ounces).  Reintroduction of wine takes time.  Love my cute little glass :-). Yes, I know, it's green :-)

Time to clean out the lid and screw-top container.

I was happy with the results (and so was T.).

And in the process of putting these in the bag bound for Goodwill, because I am sure there is a canner out there looking for some :-)

I discovered these little knives and forks that are also bound for Goodwill.

Another great day!!!!


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