Friday, April 8, 2016

First Tuesday, April 5

Well, it's Tuesday.  First Tuesday of the month.  T's day off.  And my little monkey friend above reminds me "be curious today".

In that mode....I join my neighbor (our HOA president) when she meets with a prospective engineer for an on-site visit of our building.  Our building is subject to the city's mandatory soft-story retrofit program and proposals for the required work are being gathered for review.  This is my first time meeting with a prospective engineer while she's met with two before this.  All rather interesting listening to this engineer explain.  Sounds like various ways of retrofiting a building like ours is through sheer-walling, bolting the building to the foundation, and/or reinforcing the basement garages with steel beams.  Remains to be seen how costly this will be to complete.  Learned a lot!

Onward ho, to meet up with T at Contemporary Jewish Museum.  He wants to see the Bill Graham exhibit.

On the walk to the museum, I stop for a quick pose with my friends :-)  Oh yes, what was I doing?

And I brought T and I a salad from home to share.  Could not wait (sorry T) to eat my half while my little friend watches....

It's a warm weather day to catch some rays....

And show off that shirt I bought at Goodwill on April 1.  The label is Johnny Was, whoever that company is.

That white building in the background with the oval gray below it - the newly renovated MOMA to open soon.

AND today is first Tuesdays with free admission to the museum.  I keep "meaning to" get back into going to the museums on free admission day.  There we is the day.

The Bill Graham exhibit was great.  And will be back as there was lots to read and see.  And not very crowded.

1988 was a great year for me....I moved to The City By The Bay!

This was a fun exhibit...

These were objects the artist collected from the trash during her residency at Recology.

And I found the kid's corner of the museum :-)

I love hamming it up....

This was cool, instead of playing music....the keys strike pencils on the white paper at the top of the piano.

T playing the banjo...

This was a fun exhibit...set up as if I was at Hardly Strictly.  I went "once" long ago.  Yet another thing I have been"meaning to" do....I will go this year for sure.

Time for the selfie stick....

Love the line in this information sheet about Warren Hellman - the sponsor for Hardly Strictly....said about creating a corporate culture "You treat each other with respect.  You listen to what others have to say.  What I can't understand is why these things seem weird--they should be obvious."

Must return as the third exhibit is room after room of photographs.  T and I are spent after almost three hours in the museum.  5 pm closing time for the museum and time for Happy Hour.

Happy Hour at The Market is great.  I can have a salad from the salad bar while T has tacos (it's $2 Taco Tuesdays).  Oops no photo of the tacos as I was off getting my salad.

And this is my first "glass" of wine since my cleanse completed on March 31.  I am definitely feeling it and savoring it.

Check out The Market for happy hour.  And their produce prices are pretty decent.

Love the colors on Coit Tower as the sun sets....

And the color of regular and Japanese sweet potatoes about to be baked.

My little monkey friend watches me eat yet another great salad.  These salads truly fill me up and are most satisfying.

And the baked "fries" are tasty.  I know, not like deep-fried, and yet these are healthier for my body to digest.

Now I am off to meet MH and S at Melt - a fun cafe/restaurant which sadly will be closing down in a few months.  Sadly because they usually have a live jazz trio or quartet even night.  Been "meaning to" get there to hear the music.  And tonight's the night!  There from 9 until 10 so not very late.  And fun to see MH and S.  It's a warm night so it's great to be able to sit outside at the tables by the door.  And listen to the music flow out into the street.

Another fun day....


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