Friday, April 1, 2016

April 1....what shall I do on day 1 of my 60 days of celebration?

Well for one thing.  Enjoy the view!!!

Here's my view from where I am typing!  Thank you for such a gorgeous view!  And beautiful weather!

I have been meaning to get back into writing and blogging.  Voila, here I am on Day 1 of my 60 days of celebration, blogging.

Since March was eatting lots of raw/steamed veggies and raw fruit with nuts and seeds sprinkled here and there, it will be slowly introducing other foods for the next week.  Especially with April 7 and April 9 coming up - two dinners out with friends.  So first things first....sip on a little rosé tonight.  To work up to a glass of bubbly for my birthday!

March was full of learning and clarity.  And that's a great place to dive into celebration.  One for the learning.  Two for the clarity.  Woo Hoo!

Had a great sleep last night.  Woke up feeling great.  So nice NOT to have that low, low, low, low level of fatigue.  Now my hair is conditioned and clean.  And I will be making my green smoothie soon.  Then heading out for two annual appointments with my MD and my GYN.  These appointments are usually after-thoughts for me.  And I decided NOT to do that this year :-)

Here's another great view as I eat my salad.

Blessed with the little things, like great views and beautiful weather!!!!!

And there are these awesome sunflowers (his favs) that T. bought yesterday for the kitchen!

So it's 3:15 pm - annual doctor appointments behind me.  I call my friend who lives near my doctors' offices.  She is home and can meet up at 4 before I need to be back in my neighborhood for First Fridays art from 6 to 9..  So we catch-up while she drives to the post office and pick up her mail.  When she stops, I see a Goodwill across the street so while she's getting her mail, I'll stop into the Goodwill -- ever looking for Corning Ware pieces I would use :-)

I got distracted by two colorful and fun dresses as I walked in the door -- what FUN!  So I ask my friend if it's okay to quickly try on the dresses.  Standing in the changing room line, I see this square plate which matches a rectangular plate I love and have at home.  No price tag -- 99 cents when I get to the checkout counter.  What a deal!  I ask if there is a senior discount :-). Only on Tuesdays -- 55 and older.  20% discount.  Glad I asked.

Meanwhile the two dresses did not work on me.  And while waiting for the changing room...I see this blouse hanging on the changing room rack.  Love the embroidery work!  And the clear buttons!  And the detail!  And it looks great on me :-) $5.49. What a deal!  

I see a green theme happening!!!!!  Especially when you see the scarf and jacket I am wearing today.

Here I am with my dear friend!  In front of the map showing with a yellow sticker where we are!  Thank you D for spontaneously spending part of my Day 1 with me!

Now it's 7 pm.  Ate my dinner salad.  No rosé tonight....going in for blood work tomorrow and have to fast beforehand.  Tomorrow - a little rosé tomorrow.  Off to First Fridays.  Have been meaning to go to the various galleries.  And tonight, I turn 'meaning to' into 'happening'.  Starting with this one...

It was opening night for the artist Emilio Villalba.  And this creation caught my attention....

As did this as I walked to the next gallery.  Love my boots that I bought in a friperie in Montreal.

See next post for the rest of my Day 1,,,,,,

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